Words mean a lot

How come words affect us so much? Why do we take words so personally? How does a little word change everything?  Our words have so much power, in both directions! To destroy and damage and break people down, or to mend, and heal and comfort and bring joy and assurance. If words are that powerful, why aren’t we more careful with them?

A seed is very small, yet it has the potential to grow an oak tree. Seeds have incredible power and influence to grow extremely big things! Think about conversations. Words are small, yet they have the potential to transform a relationship. Every word you are saying to your spouse, your kids and your SELF are planting seeds that are growing outcomes in your life!

Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life, and a talkative person will reap the consequences.” (Proverbs 18:21) We tend to think “consequences” are a bad thing, but it simply means the result or the outcome. If you are talking a lot about love, mercy, and believing the best in each other, those are good seeds! If you are being thankful, appreciative, and comforting, those are amazing seeds!  

Words mean a lot to everything. Your outcome, your life, your relationships, your future, your potential, and your possibilities.

Do you Want to see more of anything in your life? Then talk about that, and even consider making decrees. If you want a shift, start making daily decrees, and acknowledge how important your words are. If you want to take a turn in your emotional and mental state of being, this is your day.

Decrees are in agreement with “Heaven on Earth”

Decrees are the vehicles that connect us to heaven and the spiritual realm. They may not be our everyday experience, but we are making them tangible realities by saying them, imagining what they look and feel like. Just like it says in Matthew 6:10, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.  

Using decrees based on your specific hope or expectation rather than God’s Word can create confusion. But being specific with the Word of God releases the power of His living word into our lives and circumstances.  

You might not find a verse to tell you exactly where to go, or what to do, but you will find decrees about the power of his presence, and the rest you can have because He is your peace. When we do this you remember that God has not forgotten you and you are not alone! You might not know specifics, but you can be confident in being his son or daughter!

Decrees physically, emotionally, practically, and tangible shifted your work, your finances, your peace, and your whole life. The benefits of decrees are that they bring strength and establish a rock to stand on. They are bold statements of who God says who you are! 

Today is the perfect day to plant seeds of mercy, joy, acceptance, and hope into your relationships.

Hear more about this topic on Episode 64 of All About Relationships Podcast with Bob and Audrey.

Bob & Audrey Meisner