The power of hope

If you’re feeling tired or overwhelmed in your relationships, hope is the best way to rehearse a future of freedom and joy. You are not exempt or disqualified from an amazing outcome! 

You were created to live in a state of hope, joy, and peace...these aren’t just emotions but can become your abiding feelings, based on your beliefs about who you are, why you were created, and who your Creator really is. There are no hopeless circumstances, just hopeless people, and you can choose to be full of hope. 

When you have hope, you aren’t easily offended or hurt or feel rejected. Your focus changes and you imagine positive outcomes. Hope is not just a thing for positive people to enjoy or something that privileged people seem to effortlessly have - hope is for those who choose to process life differently. You will be better equipped in your problem-solving abilities when you hang on to the anchor of hope. Your possibilities will be endless!  


Nine Hope Factors

1. Hope is a risky business

If you live hopelessly, you’ll never get disappointed. When you live with the hope you’ll occasionally get disappointed, but you’ll clarify your purpose on earth and experience joy and peace just by hoping! Is it scary to hope after you’ve been disappointed? Maybe, but let’s explore the reasons why it’s worth the risk. The difference between faith and hope is: Faith specifically sees the end from the beginning and says, “This is what I am believing for! Hope says it’s going to be good, and I have an overall overwhelming trust that my future and God’s promises are real and alive no matter what happens!” What a firm foundation.  

2. Hope is your choice

There are no hopeless circumstances, just hopeless people. How a hopeful person handles disappointment differs from those who are not. Even if the present is unpleasant, the thought or hope of a positive future can overcome stress and even reduce the impact of the bad news or disappointment. Being relentlessly hopeful about the future helps you to recognize that you are adaptable and capable, enabling you to reassure yourself that you will get through a tough time. Having a powerful hope that you will adapt also provides a limitless positive version of the future. 

3. Hope is not an illusion

You have heard the argument, “You need to be more realistic!” We don’t deny the facts, but we have faith in what is more powerful than the facts.  

4. Hope is an indicator

Like a detective, begin to recognize that every area that doesn’t glisten with hope means you’re believing a lie about yourself, about God, or the people around you. Cheerfulness is the evidence that we have attached faith to our experiences.

5. Hope is a setting on your thermostat

Are you set on “The abundant life”? Instead of adjusting your level of hope to match the people or circumstances you are with, be the thermostat, and set the level of hope on “high” and witness your atmosphere adjust to your setting!  

6. Hope is soil 

Planting good seeds in good soil results in a bountiful crop. Planting seeds of faith in the soil of hope results in faith-filled opportunities, faith-filled joy, and faith-filled peace! Hope says with a loud voice, “I am choosing to trust God.”

7. Hope is a point of view

You don't wait for circumstances to get better and then have hope. You choose the lens of hope to see more clearly. Those who are hopeful and optimistic can untangle negative outcomes, while hopelessness usually results in becoming resentful and focused and even fixated on others’ shortcomings.  

8. Hope is an abiding feeling

Rather than a fleeting emotion that comes and goes, depending on the news of the day, hope is an abiding feeling that is established from the beliefs of your heart. It is not circumstantial but rather developed from beliefs that are based on God’s nature and character and promises.  

9. Hope is like a muscle

You can grow, develop, and maintain hope in your life just like a muscle. Being strong and courageous in hope sustains you. Your resilience is grounded and you can thrive no matter what happens! Paul, in the epistles, says, “I have learned to be content - and be inwardly successful no matter what my circumstances look like!”

Your life and relationships are about to get energized

Hope structures your life in anticipation of the future and influences how you feel in the present. Don’t get discouraged by your lack of hope, this is not an exercise in working up emotion, but rather changing our focus and asking ourselves the right questions. Cultivating hope means we face any beliefs that may hinder our hope.  

Are you ready for practical application? Ask yourself the question, “What do I need to believe to have hope for this? Listen carefully as you take steps to imagine your future full of peace, joy, and harmonious relationships.  

Hear more about this topic on Episode 65 of All About Relationships Podcast with Bob and Audrey.

Bob & Audrey Meisner