179 / Getting back the Spark and Sparkle

We’re Bob and Audrey, and after 40 years of marriage, we’ve learned a thing or two about keeping the spark alive. Relationships, whether with your spouse, family, or friends, deserve attention and intention. It’s not just about behavior modification; it’s about connecting heart-to-heart. Here’s how you can rediscover, rekindle, renew, repair, and relax within your relationships.

1. Appreciate Your Differences Remember the chemistry that first brought you together? The differences you once loved can be your greatest asset. Instead of letting those differences cause friction, start appreciating them again. Use the natural polarity in your relationship to reignite the excitement and connection. It’s this dynamic that keeps the relationship lively and fresh.

2. Be Physically Affectionate Physical touch is a powerful way to connect. I (Audrey) have learned that for Bob, a soft, slow touch, without words, speaks volumes. It’s about taking the time to show love in the way that lands best with your partner. Whether it’s holding hands, a gentle hug, or a quiet moment of closeness, physical affection builds a bridge between you and strengthens your bond.

3. Stay Curious About Each Other After years together, it’s easy to think you know everything about your partner, but staying curious keeps the relationship vibrant. Ask about their dreams, listen deeply, and treat their words like treasures. When you ask questions, do so from a place of genuine care, not from a need to pry. This shows your loved one that you’re still invested in them and their journey. This is important for your family too! 

4. Be Innovative in Showing Love Don’t let your relationship fall into a routine. Be creative in how you express love and make your partner feel special. This could be through small surprises, thoughtful gestures, or simply showing up as the best version of yourself. Innovation keeps the relationship exciting and helps you both feel valued.

5. Align Your Thoughts with the Best Version of Your Partner Our thoughts have a powerful impact on our relationships. Pay attention to how often you criticize or blame your partner in your mind. Instead, focus on their strengths and the qualities you love about them. This shift in perspective not only changes how you feel but also how you interact with them, creating a more positive and loving atmosphere.

6. Resolve Your Feelings Before You Communicate Before approaching your loved one about any issues, take the time to resolve your own feelings. Talk to God, reflect on your emotions, and seek peace within yourself first. This sets the stage for a productive conversation that can rekindle the love and connection you’ve been longing for. Approaching your partner from a place of peace and resolution makes all the difference.

The Power of Relationship Laws

Just as there are physical laws like gravity, there are laws for relationships. These principles are simple yet profound. By consistently applying them, you can predictably strengthen your marriage and create lasting love. It’s not about a to-do list; it’s about creating a heart-centered connection that endures.

Your relationship deserves the time and effort to make it thrive. With the right focus, you can bring back the spark and sparkle, making your relationship as fulfilling and joyful as it was in the beginning. We’re here to help you on that journey, sharing from our own experiences and the unique dynamics that have kept our love strong for over four decades.

Here’s to rekindling the love, one intentional step at a time.

Bob & Audrey Meisner