The past keeps popping up!
It’s hard to concentrate on being thankful when past offenses keep popping up! Let’s face it, some things have been said to you that are harmful to your emotional being, and you’ve likely lived through seasons of being emotionally neglected. There have also been injustices that have taken place. Betrayal, rejection, and just plain “mean-ness” can be difficult to stop thinking about! Why? They never should have happened, and our mind scrambles to find equilibrium and search for an explanation as to what we did to deserve “that”.
Every week, we meet with individuals and couples that are open and willing to re-write the story of their lives. They have decided that it’s time to flip the negativity of their past and choose a new beginning.
When you can’t stop thinking about what went wrong in your past, the best way to launch forward is to make a determining decision. Owning the offense or the regret you have and saying it out loud is a form of facing it head-on. Yup, that really happened. In order to truly let go of the past, and the power of the memory that just doesn’t go away, it starts with experiencing God.
As you move forward, it’s of utmost importance that you know - really know - that you are loved. You aren’t just “one person” lost in the masses of people in this world, you are “the one” whom God sees and pursues. His heart longs for friendship with you. He knows your every thought. He cares about what you care about. He has a dream full of adventure for you.
Erasing the words that have been said against you, and the hurts you have encountered by people are simply not true. We pray that you’re ready to believe the truth about how God feels about you. God is continually pouring value into your heart, and giving you everything you need for life hope joy, and peace. Much of the time we aren’t able to “receive” what's available because we don’t feel we deserve it. God sees you as worthy to receive. As you, by faith begin to see your value, not according to your behavior or performance, but according to His view and opinion, you are invited to come into agreement with Him. When you know your value, you can finally receive what has been available to you all along.
Loving yourself and giving yourself acceptance begins the fantastic journey of being satisfied. Living satisfied results in not being selfish. What an incredible gift to all of your relationships! This is a great way to let go of the past that keeps popping up. You’re worth having a brand new beginning and freedom from what's behind you!
Hear more about this topic on Episode 136 of All About Relationships Podcast with Bob and Audrey.