Reshape your circumstances

We're so excited for our live event on January 30th, and over the next few weeks, we're going to help you get prepared by starting to give you some pieces of content that we're going to be covering over the weekend. 

It’s so easy to fall into our current circumstances, allowing them to toss us around and dictate our future. The state of the world, the behaviour of people around us, the amount of money in the bank… all of these get pretty powerful in our focus if we don’t put a stop to it. The truth is, in most cases, we don’t choose our circumstances, but we can choose our thoughts, and so indirectly, yet surely, shape our circumstances. 

This is a powerful day of choice. Being reactive to life doesn’t promote hope, but being proactive in your decisions, especially what you think about, brings you to a land of possibilities. This small tweak of perspective releases energy and freedom into your future.  Suddenly you are limitless in the outcome of your day and your relationships.  

Your decisions design your life. Everyone wants to know the future, but imagine the security you will experience as you see a clear path in front of you.  Instead of dissecting the unknown, let’s prepare for the unknown by establishing heart beliefs in God’s promises. Let’s become geniuses at making the best decisions. 

Listen to the link below to listen to the podcast (if you haven't subscribed yet) where we dive deeper into this subject. And if you haven't signed up for our live event do it now. Registration closes next week and we'd love to see you there (link also below).

Bob & Audrey Meisner