Relationship goals

Dear Friend,

We want you to have the best year you have ever had in your life. We want you to experience passion, life, joy and vulnerability. We want you to see a clear path in front of you and confidently move forward with courage and direction. We want you to have relationship goals that are do-able, practical and full of kindness. We want you to partner together with God and have hope like never before.  

In this episode, we talk about both our struggles and our champion-moments. Linking arms together for this next year is crucial. Prioritizing and finding new beginnings brings strength and fuel for the story of your life. Be encouraged and empowered as you find out that you don’t have to wait for anyone to change. Be challenged to let go of your agendas for those around you.  

Imagine a year of promise and progress as you make the peace your priority. Imagine the contentment and freedom of releasing your control over others. Being courageous means you have nothing to fear. You can pioneer new pathways that have never been seen before, and introduce a family culture of increased compassion and understanding. You will experience a harvest of light, life and dreams come true. 

Hear more about this topic on Episode 78 of All About Relationships Podcast with Bob and Audrey

Bob & Audrey Meisner