Relationally generous

Have you ever met someone who has experienced injustice and mistreatment, and they seem to have managed to bounce back and even enjoy life? The most common and natural human reaction to an offence or distaste would be to retaliate or become resentful. But then there are those who have learned to be relationally generous.  Instead of holding grudges, they have put away the bitterness. 

The quality of bending without breaking is an astounding character trait that can be developed and emphasized within your own life. On the other side of the spectrum, the state of refusing to move or to change one's position or opinion sets you up for a hard heart. Having a soft heart and soft eyes as you relate to those around you nurtures the joy and peace you have been craving. Overcoming stubbornness and intolerance starts with warmth, moldability and a willingness to have 100% acceptance.  

Today is a great day to receive mercy for yourself, and then extend it to others.  Choosing to live a relationally generous life makes allowance for other people’s faults and differences! 

Bob & Audrey Meisner