Pt. 1 Leveling Up! The Quest
High levels of relationships start with one person choosing to take the high road and use obstacles as stepping stones leading to new layers of unconditional love! We believe you’re up for the quest.
What happens on a quest?
A quest is an adventurous journey undergone by the main character of a story. They usually meet with and overcome a series of obstacles, returning in the end with the benefits of knowledge and experience from their quest. When it comes to the story of your life, you always have the opportunity to change the trajectory and level up.
I love the message from Psalm 90 saying, “Teach me to make the most of my time so that I may grow in wisdom. Satisfy me in the morning with your unfailing love, so that I may sing for joy and be glad all my days. Give me gladness in proportion to my former misery, and replace the evil years with good. May we see your miracles once again, and may our children see the glory of God at work. Show us your approval and make our efforts successful, yes, make our efforts successful!” (slightly paraphrased).
Nuggets of wisdom - Part One (4 of 37)
ONE: Prepare for opportunities
Know the importance of the season you’re in and the wise son you will be. But what a waste when an incompetent son sleeps through his day of opportunity!
One secret for success in life is for us to be ready for opportunity when it comes. When it comes to relationships, we can’t predict the moments when we will be needed or need to level up for those we love. When we simplify our lives, enhance our strength, and develop our respond-ability we will be available for the growth in our connection.
Simplifying life means aligning with the rhythm of heaven. Instead of being driven and enslaved to time, we are invited to live in a place of peace, while maintaining responsibility. It is possible! It is part of our quest!
TWO: Hindrances are stepping stones
It’s easy to get tripped up and fall into traps when unexpected obstacles arise, but can you imagine taking those hindrances and forming and creating an actual step…a stepping stone…a way to get higher in life. What an invitation!
THREE: Heart Transformation leads to effortless living
The heart is the place where all transformation takes paces. Our beliefs have accumulated over a lifetime and forged our sense of self that concretely defines our normal. If we just try to “change” through our strong will, we get stuck in “behavior modification”, but we are invited to enjoy effortless heart transformation!
Changing behavior with human strength leads to hard work, correcting yourself and others, and striving. When we are constantly measuring we find ourselves being disappointed. What about heart transformation? That’s when we involve ourselves with acceptance, contentment, peace, and loving unconditionally.
FOUR: Fix your gaze on heaven
We don’t look at the troubles we can see now, rather we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen, For the things we see now will soon be gone but the things we cannot see will last forever. That’s why we never give up. Our spirits are being renewed every day! Our present troubles are small and won’t last very long - yet they’ll produce rewards for us we wouldn’t have gotten any other way.
Hear more about this on Episode 146 of the “All About Relationships” podcast with Bob and Audrey.