Pt. 3 Leveling Up - Living without Strain

When we jump to the conclusion that we are stuck in our stress-filled lifestyles, we limit ourselves to our conditions. Our willingness to get free and tap into God’s strategy takes us to wisdom, clarity, and endeavors beyond our imagination! Here are more nuggets of wisdom that have really inspired us in our journey, and highly affected our relationships.  

#9 Live without Strain

Life without strain becomes possible to the extent that we realize that God is the powerful force inside of us! The more we allow God to work through us the less stress there is in life. We do not have to plan, strive and strain to achieve, but simply allow the perfect plan concerning our life to unfold. Life becomes a process of unfoldment instead of a series of strenuous achievements. We have no fear for the future, for God is looking after this. All that we have to do is to live one day at a time, dealing as faithfully as possible with each experience, aiming for its highest good.

There is an inner realm of quietness that’s available when we decide to “be still and know that He is God”. This inner secret place of calm is not only a place of safety, but it also causes things to come to pass and makes space for miracles. The challenge is, we (in our western world) are programmed to try hard! We feel that something must be done! We feel that if we do not pray or strive for this something will go wrong.

When cares and anxieties claw at us, attempting to gain our attention, we have the opportunity to learn to relax and be quite still and free. The spiritual life is one long series of paradoxes, and this is one of them. The most difficult thing in the world is to be still, yet it makes life simple and easy. It removes all its cares, solves all its problems, takes away all its fears, and relaxes all its

strain. BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. What a concept! 

#10 Choose Your Mood

Staying stuck in sorrow and sadness can be debilitating and heavy for any relationship. Even if there are legitimate reasons and explanations, existing on a “disc” or “land” of sadness is usually accompanied by a myriad of questions. Will I ever feel like I’m enough? Will things ever get better? The list goes on and on.  

Instead of trying to leap from sadness to bliss and joy, take a more realistic journey through the levels of emotions. A natural progression from sadness is acceptance. Use your voice to acknowledge that you are willing to accept yourself, others, and your current season. 

After feeling acceptance, then you can leap over to appreciation. This is a big jump that’s highly valuable on your way to a mood of peace and joy. If you’re not ready to appreciate every person in your life, start with the people and circumstances that are easy to appreciate! Get comfortable with appreciation until you can even see redemption in the more challenging people and circumstances!  

The next emotion that levels you up is hope…putting faith in God’s promises. After enough appreciation, you are ready to trust God’s goodness and imagine possibilities. The next progressive step is feelings of vitality and joy and peace. Your mood is now aligned with heaven on earth. You didn’t have to fake it or pretend, you took the journey to get here. This is your choice and this is your invitation!

Leveling up in your relationships is when you feel good most of the time, and focus on redemption, possibilities, and what you’re most thankful for.  

During this season of your life, may you tune in to hear sounds of joy and laughter, may you experience healing for any damage, may you rest in God’s prosperity and peace, and may you hear God’s voice as He tells you remarkable secrets. This is your new day! 

Hear more about this on Episode 148 of the “All About Relationships” podcast with Bob and Audrey. 

Bob & Audrey Meisner