How do I help things change?
Will your current daily habits eventually take you to where you want to be? There are myths about consistency that make it feel like a sacrifice, but let’s focus on the rewards because consistency gives people around you reason to trust you. And that’s a great big invitation into an uncomplicated and enjoyable relationship.
Why is consistency important for relationships?
HOPE is so important when it comes to feeling a connection in your relationship. If you follow through with the small steps, one day at a time, you won't be able to experience the family love and love life you’ve always wanted.
Being consistent will help build momentum and progress, and you can feel the anticipation that things are changing. Even if it’s just in your own life! Consistency helps you feel hopeful and empowered, building a track record leading to your desired end.
How does consistency lead to the desires of your heart being fulfilled?
Being consistent helps you become satisfied in your relationship with God, as your source. Instead of seeking random attempts to feel hopeful and fulfilled, being consistent in experiencing God offers real answers that are personal for you. Consistency may start with discipline to depend on God, but it quickly turns into a newfound desire (because it’s addictive in a good way!) and it will show in your relationships.
Why do I struggle with consistency?
It's hard to be consistent because we tend to focus on the outcome more than the process. Put another way, we're more drawn to the positive feelings of outcomes rather than the struggle of the journey. Most of us quit during the struggle before we can experience the rewards of staying the course. If you can find positive feelings within the journey, then you’ve learned the true art of connecting to God.
The consistency feels like a daunting task because it isn’t instant. It takes time, and there is no shortcut. But scripture gives us such a great promise: Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. (1 Cor. 15:58).
Joseph relied on God’s faithfulness when life got hard. He was unjustly rejected and discarded again and again. When you don’t understand the difficulty in your family relationships, and you’re experiencing scattered dreams, remember the Lord is with you and extends kindness to you. You’re not alone in your pain. People may fail us, but they cannot prevent God’s purposes for your life.
The places you are most steadfast reveals the values in your heart. Your priorities and consistency are the tell-tale of what’s most important to you. Being faithful and consistent isn’t a sacrifice, but rather joy when love is the motivation.
Hear more about this with Bob and Audrey on Episode #100 of All About Relationships