Daily decisions for better relationships

If you get up every morning feeling afraid, full of dread for the day, discouraged and still tired from the day before, we’ve got the best news.  God doesn’t use a magic wand to grant us joy like a fairy godmother.  He partners with us to slay the giants of our wrong beliefs.  Instead of changing your circumstances, and the people around you, you get to change how you think and believe about them.

The ultimate empowerment takes place when you stop trying to change your circumstances and people around you and simply decide to enjoy life.  No matter what. I was listening to an old James Taylor song that captured my attention:  “The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time... any fool can do it... there ain’t nothing to it.” The wisdom carefully packaged into these lyrics continued, “Try not to try too hard…” and many other nuggets encouraging the listener to enjoy the ride, and let yourself smile.

As you enjoy your life, your relationships will reap the benefit. The mark of a mature believer is they are able to enjoy the fruit of the Kingdom of Heaven on a daily basis.  Romans 17:17 says, “The kingdom of heaven is righteousness, peace, and joy.”  God has made a way for us to enjoy life to the fullest.  Isaiah 61 talks about how He heals our broken hearts and sets us free from the prisons of negativity.  Nobody is exempt, and no circumstances have the power to disqualify you. That’s the good news.  

Stability, Confidence, Assurance - it’s all yours when you remain single-minded.

James 1:8 says: “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” And that definitely spills into all of your relationships!  A human relationship was never designed to complete you, or be your source for life and joy.  That’s all on you, and moving towards being single-minded is immediate access to wisdom, much like a master key. 

The war within one who is double-minded is when you haven’t made a determined and confident decision...in other words, there is still doubt.  Part of you is in agreement with heaven, and the kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy! But then there’s another part of you that is impacted by thoughts of doom, gloom and worst-case scenarios.  

I think it’s clear that if you have two minds. . .one is focused on the Word while the other focuses on the world. One tries too hard, and the other trusts God.  

Four Ways to Keep you from being Double-Minded

1. Plus Faith

Something amazing happens when you “add faith” to every little and big thing you do in a day.  If you want to do something great and be something great, simply “plus faith” to the good things you’re doing, and they’ll be great!

2. Align Words

You can change where you are in life, and your relationships, by what comes out of your mouth.  Words change your direction.  Consider singing good words!  Be as intentional as possible in any area where you habitually have doubts.  

3. Eliminate Negativity

If you’re first thought when given an assignment or an opportunity is negative. . .it will become a way of thinking and living. On the opposite spectrum, when you are resisting temptation, and choosing to see opportunities as possibilities, your mind has already been made up!  

4. Focus with Intention

Your focus determines your future, and pouring your attention on something is like watering seeds.  Focus on God’s point of view, go higher and see His big picture.  

What if…

Tomorrow will actually be a new day, as in, a brand new beginning and a fresh start to decide afresh trajectory for the remainder of your life.

Today has been designed by God, since the beginning of time. With care and purpose, He fashioned this day just for you, to add faith to every little and big thing you do.

He has settled all of your accounts, and you are free to receive every single one of His promises of provision, protection and promotion.

Another song amazed me this past week.  “I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free...His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me…” If God cares for the lilies and sparrows, He will take care of you.

Not all emotions are healthy and beneficial.  Many painful emotions are the result of destructive beliefs and bad habits.  Just like fever and tiredness reveal that we are fighting to get healthy, painful emotions are a warning sign that our beliefs are out of whack. Righteousness, peace and joy are to be our normal.  And when they are healthy, alive and our natural state, we will be able to abide in peace, even if circumstances are challenging.  That’s why it’s called “Peace that supersedes our understanding”.  

Singing words uses frequencies to change atmospheres - I’m convinced of it!  Another song hit me that says, “I’m trading my sorrows. I”m trading my shame. I’m trading them all for the joy of the Lord.”  And then the chorus is the choice we can all make for our day, and our future: “Yes Lord, yes Lord, Yes yes Lord…”

When we add faith to our day, we release the belief that God is in every part of our lives.  We drive with faith, we work with faith, we eat with faith, we make phone calls with faith, we make our next decision with faith.  This eliminates doubt and being double-minded in any of life’s situations.  When we consciously release our faith in normal activities and relationships and believe that God is with us and all of our activities, we invite and attract the blessing of God.

And that always includes righteousness, peace and joy.  And that, my friend, is the secret of enjoying life. 

Hear more about this topic on Episode 67 of All About Relationships Podcast with Bob and Audrey.

Bob & Audrey Meisner