Turning points

When you have the dream to get somewhere, you can find a way. We have all experienced those turning points in our lives. The moments when we make a decision that changes everything. Where we know that right then and there, we are re-defining ourselves and shifting the course of our life. Reflecting on life-changing moments is a great exercise in connection and gratitude. 

The moment that changed everything

Bob and I were “just friends” until that moment when we confessed our feelings for each other. It’s exciting to remember the exact circumstances around the conversation that started our life together. We shared a common dream, and that moment forged a new pathway for the future. When’s the last time you reminisced on your starting place? 

Wrong turns don’t have to steal our dream

Ah, to remember the times we’ve taken a wrong turn, and went the wrong way for a significant amount of time. It’s not fun to remember, but it’s important to realize that our redeemer lives. Regaining a vantage point from “much higher” helps us to have mercy on our mistakes and embrace our life-dream, rather than focus on our seasons of wrong directions.  

We don’t have to be identified by my worst mistake

I often remember the moment, when on my worst day, my dad spoke directly into my heart. I had just ended an affair and found out that I had become pregnant during the infidelity. When it seemed the world stopped turning, and I couldn’t navigate my next steps, I had a moment that I will cherish forever. I honor the moment that I cried out to my dad for comfort, and he spoke the words, “Audrey, that's what you did, but that’s not who you are.”  

Don’t look back unless it makes you smile

If there are memories that are alive in your heart, and they don’t make you smile? Invite Jesus into those places, and ask Him where He is and what He’s saying to your heart. Before long, even the most horrific memories and traumas can heal. Jesus heals broken hearts, and love to sort out the tangled pain that can torment our souls. His comfort is practical and available to anyone that asks.  

People can help, but God is your source

Our loved ones are priceless in our journey through life. But even the most beautiful and precious of relationships are often stung by disappointment and even hurt. We were created to find ultimate fulfillment in our Creator, and God is our source for absolutely everything we need. When we rely on him and honor him each day, He is invited to be our source. Relationships are a gift, and a wonderful contributor to happiness, comfort, and enjoyment through life, but God is our friend who sticks closer than a brother, and nothing will ever separate us from His heavenly and perfect love.

Hear more about this topic on Episode 68 of All About Relationships Podcast with Bob and Audrey.

Bob & Audrey Meisner