A great big yes!

The new year is full of new potential. When you start a new project or season in your life, you seem to notice opportunities suddenly appearing ahead of you. I like to think that the new year marks a perfect time to explore new. Take hold of that excitement you feel within you and direct it toward a purpose, a passion and dream soon to be realized.

I find that I transition best in life when my heart is full of gratitude. How I leave or bring closure to 2019 directly influences how I approach 2020. I strongly encourage you to give your previous year a good hug! It may not have been the easiest but here you stand, today, alive with infinite possibilities before you. It’s a heart of gratitude that opens the portal to newfound hope and joy-filled possibilities.

This blog post isn’t meant to be exhaustive in any way, rather motivational in considering the untapped potential in finding your proverbial yes! But first, when is it appropriate to say no?

Three things we say NO to:

1. NO to the LIE: Anything that opposes the Truth

2. NO to the JUDGE: Your negative and limiting self-talk

3. NO to the WORDS: Those near you can (at times) have the most hurtful words

Global life decisions you will make are rarely easy. However, my hope is that by understanding the value of saying both yes and no will help you to make more effective decisions moving forward. The choice remains with you.

Now of course, even though saying yes is of tremendous value, it doesn’t mean that you have to say yes to absolutely everything. Saying yes to everything might end up being quite counterproductive especially when you have other life priorities and responsibilities. Say no when it really matters, but say yes to help you break cycles that are keeping you stuck in the past. Unless you say yes, you will never really know what might unfold.

Let me be clear, affirming ‘yes’ is an inner declaration to be receptive to life. When ‘no’ becomes embedded in our psyche, it infects our thoughts and behavior so we ignore potential opportunities for fear of failure. In contrast, ‘yes’ triggers interest within ourselves and others and is the meeting place for fresh opportunities and creating with God.

We often say ‘no’ to conditions outside of our comfort zone. Say ‘yes’ to opportunities and then deliver on your commitment. Watch how your character will grow in courage and confidence when you are faithful to ‘yes’.

Trust in the Lord completely,
and do not rely on your own opinions.
With all your heart rely on him to guide you,
and he will lead you in every decision you make.

Become intimate with him in whatever you do,
and he will lead you wherever you go.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (TPT)

Applying yes to your marriage:

Saying yes today might not yield a sudden difference tomorrow, however, it may very well send your life in a brand new direction. 

Say yes to being kind. 

Consider your partner in all of your decisions and think of things that you can do to bring safety and priority. If you’re both doing this, it’s going to have a transforming impact on your relationship.

You will find that the more you say ‘yes' and move into a positive pattern with your partner, the more you’ll find to appreciate and be thankful. Breakaway from negativity and with intention look at all the positives and strengths you and your partner have. Life together can be happier and better than you can imagine.

Paul asks the question in Romans 8:31: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” The question isn’t simply, “Who can be against you?” You could answer that one. 

Rather, Who is for you?

God is for us. God is for you! God! God is for you. Not maybe, not has been, not was… but God is! He is for you. Today. As you read this, He is with you. God is for you!

This makes you say, yes to Him and His ways all that much easier...

Hear more about this topic on Episode 33 of All About Relationships Podcast with Bob and Audrey.

Bob & Audrey Meisner