Spontaneity and laughter
Safety is extremely important for relationships, but it can become such a focus that we miss the adventure of spontaneity! Being childlike means we remember how to play. People want trust, safety, and consistency in relationships. The other side of the relationship coin is adventure, spontaneity and the element of surprise.
Wisdom knows when to plan and when to play.
Wisdom knows when to be strategic and when to be spontaneous.
Wisdom knows when to be intentional and when to be unrehearsed.
Being secure in wisdom sets me free to have fun. “Consider the lilies they toil not nor spin. They bask in God’s sunshine, they drink in God’s rain. If God cares for them in such wonderful ways, how much more will He care for me and provide every need every day.” (Song from the ’70s) When I’m living from a heart of peace and trusting God, there is a lighter grip on my need to control. And that is always good for my relationships!
I grew up in a big old house in the middle of the city with huge oak trees. My fondest memories include the smells and sights of Autumn and my favorite tiny animal: squirrels. Tons and tons of squirrels. I can appreciate their efficiency! Not only are they super cute with their fluffy tails and cute little hands that dig up the dirt, but they also enjoy their relationships! They chase each other, tease each other and move to scurry up and down trees.
The squirrel’s focused goals are obvious, but their cheerful activities are a reminder for me to play and enjoy life. Their propensity to hide acorns is a lesson in being prepared. Organized. Being responsible. Speaking of acorns, did you know that the squirrel only finds around 1 in 10 of the nuts that it hides? Hence, it is also a symbol and a warning against over-preparation. Spontaneity and adventure are part of making memories!
Don’t let over-planning drain the life out of you. I don’t see the squirrel with its brows furrowed thinking of what happens next! Instead, it goes with the flow and remains cheerful despite its tasks. Hence, the squirrel reminds us of the real reason we are investing in and preparing for the future. It is so that we can forget about our worries, knowing we have prepared, allowing us to enjoy the fullness of your relationships!
Are you finding fun in your relationships?
What’s one of your favorite moments where you were spontaneous?
Hear more about this topic on Episode 24 of All About Relationships Podcast with Bob and Audrey.