Inspired for change
Change is inevitable but growth is optional. Within every changing season, there is the opportunity for growth. Within every challenge there is an invitation to deepen and enrich our lives, if we refuse to agree with defeat. Proverbs tell us that a wise son or daughter knows their season. Let’s be creative and wise with the season we are in! Let’s be “aware of the elements” and prepare for them and search for the treasures within our moments!
In order to lead the direction of our lives, we start with being empathetic. In relationships, if someone you love needs is asking for help and can’t “get over something”. The first step is to validate their feelings in order to settle the anguish in their hearts. Once their heart is “heard” then you are able to seek healing together, and then seek direction.
It’s virtually impossible to lead or heal someone who is angry because until their anger is justified and fully heard, they can’t move to a place of sadness for the hurt they are feeling. Instead of rejecting a person who is angry (or rejecting yourself, if you’re angry!) Allows the angry words to be said out loud! Our hearts need a voice without restraint! When we invite comfort and peace into our sadness, the progression of restoration can proceed.
Every time you move towards growth and new possibilities you must push through your personal resistance. In a season of change and unknowns, we feel uncomfortable and even fearful. We are being invited into new territory - which could actually lead to new dreams, but in the meantime it’s scary! it’s normal to feel resistors when going somewhere you’ve never been before! And that goes for relationships as well! New circumstances and challenging times can squeeze you, and what’s deep inside of you may be revealed! This is the time to be empathetic with yourself and others, and have transparent conversations unlike you have ever had before.
Fight through your resistors of:Blaming others and circumstances for the way you feel.
Over-analyzing and using your intellect as a weapon
Hanging on to your “rightness”.
Every time you hold on to your “right to be right” you walk away from a relationship. When we love we never lose. And remember, you can’t change what you don’t notice! Take time to recognize the areas you can love those who are around you. When another is angry, give them the gift of empathy. When you recognize your “rightness” has hurt others, lay down your intellectual rightness and soften your heart and voice to offer mercy and kindness.
During this season of the unknown, we continue to through our online course called “Great Marriages Start Here”. These podcasts will supplement you as you take the 32-class course. If you haven’t done so already, please download your lifetime access to the course by using the code AAR200. This one-time offer of a $200 discount is only available in March 2020 because of the circumstances of our world, and the opportunity of “more time” to learn how to truly enjoy being married!
Great Marriages Start Here!
Purchase now for $200 off for a very limited time! (It’s the most amazing way to come to our house for an intensive, but at your own pace and in your own home!)
Hear more about this topic on Episode 43 of All About Relationships Podcast with Bob and Audrey.