How to survive the storm

Why do some relationships survive storms, and some don’t? Giving attention and intention to your foundation sets the stage for limitless opportunities. The first step to building a secure bedrock is looking at yourself, and what you are willing to give. An amazing life isn’t just about what you are getting, but what you are willing to offer without restraint.  

There is a myriad of gifts that you bring into your relationships. They aren’t based on external riches but have to do with the deepest part of your heart. They are invaluable and they cause you to thrive in all conditions and seasons of life. Are you the one- the one you are looking for is looking for? Recognize that your motive is always generous. You aren’t giving to get, you are living to give.  

Asking yourself, “What can I give to this relationship?” will lead you to unwavering faith and unconditional love, the building blocks for everything you’ve always wanted. The gift of being steadfast in love means your foundation is cemented in unwavering faith and unconditional love. Knowing your relationship is permanent and establishing safety and security means you are not going to give up on each other.  

What does steadfast mean?

It’s not a common word, yet its meaning is profound: “A firm loyalty and unswerving dedication. Immovable, irrefutable, unchangeable, unalterable, and completely and utterly dependable and determined. Convinced that I will always serve, and I refuse to give up.” 

When does your loved one feel the safest with you? This is a great time to ask this important question with a willing ear and a promise to move towards them.  

Hear more about this topic on Episode 71 of All About Relationships Podcast with Bob and Audrey

Bob & Audrey Meisner