What sets you apart in 2021?

True success is marked by what you’re in love with. If you’re obsessed with your plan, your ideas or your path, you can miss the joy of life and the ways of wisdom.  What sets you apart in this upcoming year, will be your willingness to let go of your agendas and prioritize peace.  Your dedication to edit your private-self-talk will stimulate life-filled relationships with those around you.  Your consuming desire for authentic transparency will be the perfect setup for courageous joy and dreams to come true.  

Being in Love with the Present Moment

People fall in love with the path that represents clear formulas and disciplines, but true life happens when you start following “the way” which is natural and effortless. Being in love with the present moment allows new levels of peace and joy to infuse you from the inside out.

Audrey’s script

This is the only moment that’s important
No tomorrow
No yesterday
Just right now
I behold the moment 
I’m not late
I’m not missing anything
I’m exactly where I need to be
I’m exactly who I need to be
Because of Jesus with me, I am perfect
What happens today is supposed to happen
Jesus is with me and will be with me until I see him 
I can be still and know that He is God
He is person-sized and he is right beside me

Being in love with wisdom

Treasure my instructions and cherish them within your heart.
Say to wisdom, “I'm in love with you”.
Say to understanding, “You are my sweetheart”
May the two of you protect me and may we never be apart

Proverbs 7:3-5

Being practical about exercising new disciplines is important. In fact, learning means doing something deliberately and repetitively to build up natural strength until it becomes a way of life.  When it comes to peace and wisdom, eventually you get to the place where you can’t imagine anything other than the character you have developed.  And your relationships will thrive as a result. 

Wisdom will extend your life,
Making every year more fruitful than the one before.

Proverbs 9:11

Bob & Audrey Meisner