People can feel your thoughts

If you think you’re getting away with negative thoughts towards someone, think again. Even though people can’t read your mind, you are sending invisible signals and investments. How you think, and subsequently feel about your loved ones is crucial. And believing the BEST about them, and your future will set you up for good times ahead! 

Wildly enough, this includes your thoughts towards yourself as well. How you “show up” is directly correlated to how you feel about yourself. If you see yourself as a failure, and never enough, you are continually walking in deep mud, and even quicksand that can turn into a relationship downward spiral. The moment you agree with the “real you” get back on the path of hope, confidence, and strength.

Decide to change the way you think - and therefore feel about someone you love.

Your decisions link you to your future, so “right now” could be the wrong measurement of the moment, and you can choose your feelings. Your emotion is an indicator, but not always a good advisor. 

Hear More about this with Bob and Audrey on Episode 97 of All About Relationships

Bob & Audrey Meisner